2025 LMYB Registration is Closed! Please stay tuned for 2026 LMYB Registration & Tryout Information.
How do I register for the 2025 LMYB season? To register for the 2025 LMYB season, please click on the link above. This year, only a nominal, non-refundable fee of $35 will be required for registration. Once a player accepts their roster spot for 2025, an initial team fee of $200 will be collected, which will go towards your overall team cost. For current 7U players that are returning to 7U and will not require a new jersey, an initial team fund of $150 will be collected.
Who’s eligible to register? LMYB players must be a Linn-Mar Community School district student for the 2024-2025 school year or be a child of a current school district employee.
Who needs to attend in-person evaluations? We are holding a few nights of in-person evaluations for the following situations. Players MUST be registered prior to attending in-person: * NEW players to LMYB (Did not play on a LMYB team in 2024.) * Players looking to “skip” an age level (i.e. Wanting to move to grade level vs. age.) * Players looking to repeat an age level (i.e. Played 10U as a 9 year old and eligible to play it again.) * Current 7U players planning to play on a 7U or 8U tournament team. * Existing LMYB players should not attend an in-person evaluation night, unless they meet the specific criteria outlined above.
Evaluation Dates and times available to attend (attend one session): 7U Only @ Westfield Elementary *Thursday, July 18th 5-6:30pm *Monday, July 22nd 6:30-8pm
8U Only @ Westfield Elementary *Thursday, July 18th 6:30-8pm *Monday, July 22nd 5-6:30pm
9U - 14U Only @ Lowe Park Field #1 *Wednesday, July 10th 5-6:30pm *Wednesday, July 10th 6:30-8pm *Tuesday, July 16th 5-6:30pm *Tuesday, July 16th 6:30-8pm